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Just Enough Administration (JEA)


Just Enough Administration (JEA)

1.       What is JEA?😏💭💫

v  Just Enough Administration (JEA) is a Microsoft Windows PowerShell toolkit. (JEA) is a security technology that enables delegated administration for anything managed by PowerShell. With JEA, we can Reduce the number of administrators on our machines using virtual accounts or group-managed service accounts to perform privileged actions on behalf of regular users. But it is the matter of sorrow that, this is only works with PowerShell😓😓




*****************Configuration in Server ***************


1st Step:

 New-PSSessionConfigurationFile -Path 'C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\spooler_conf.pssc'





notepad  'C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\spooler_conf.pssc

Edit the file just like that ,and remove the #(hash)bellow the instruction



2nd Step(Creating a folder for JEA):

New-Item -Path 'C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\JEA\RoleCapabilities' -ItemType Directory



3rd Step

(Creating the PS Role Capability File for the Spooler Admins (psrc file):

èNew-PSRoleCapabilityFile -Path 'C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\JEA\RoleCapabilities\spooler_admins.psrc'

After executed that command

Then > execute this command to open notepad file




After write this command we saw a notepad window such as-


Now, you Change the notepad file that have open. You should not change the file  everything ,

Just change what I mention bellow in the picture  



Now we Rename the file like this


4th Steps è            (Registering the Configuration):

a. Create a group named "Spooler_Admins". Create an user who will member of Spooler_Admins group

Now we go the Users and Computers



User > New> Group

Group name  Spooler _Admins


Under the group we add a member name > kamrul


Write down the command

b. Register-PSSessionConfiguration -Name Spooler_Admins -Path 'C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\spooler_conf.pssc'


Restart the Spooler Service


We have to done our Adds server hand configuration



Configuration in Client


Now, we go to client PC such as Spooler _Admins User bellow in the picture

èa. Enter-PSSession -ComputerName Admin-ADDS -ConfigurationName Spooler_Admins

 Here,Admin- ADDS is my Domain server's name & Spooler_Admins is created group


èb. Get-Command

See, you will able to see only specified command

c. Restart-Service spooler

Here you will be restarting the specified service, not other service


d. Restart-Service lmhosts

You will not be able to restart this service

e. whoami

You will be able to execute this command since you have permission to do this as external command

So , This is the process of JEA

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