Most Useful Networking Command in our Daily Life 🔍👇
Hello Everyone ! I'am Md. Kamul Hasan (sagor) with you . In this document I will try to show most useful Networking Command in our daily life. 🔍👇
Networking Command
Color C 🡺 to change the color of command mode
Color Help 🡺 which color we select the cmd mode
Color B (I select B ,we can select any color)
Ipconfig 🡺 to see ip address ,dns and getway
Ipconfig /all 🡺 to see to see ip address ,dns and getway with MAC address
Ipconfig ? 🡺 helping command
Getmac 🡺 This command is use for showing the mac
Cls 🡺 This command is use for clear the command prompt screen
Netstat 🡺 To see how many active connections are establish on our computer.
To details know more about netstat
Arp 🡺 Address Resolution Protocol
Arp –a🡺display the arp table
Ping 🡺 This command is use for check the connection
Ping (any Ip address) / -t 🡺 This is my Getway
We can also limit our counting (Suppose we need 20 pings)
Command 🡺 ping –n 20 –l 1500
Path Ping 🡺 Pathping
Tracert 🡺 Tracert
nslookup 🡺 This command is use for checking any Ip Address and DNS Name such as (nslookup )
🡺 If we check any web site of ns=Name server and mx= Mail Server
🡺To know more details about showing the ip address command prompt on the screen.
Go to this link ( )
Route 🡺 Showing Manipulates the network routing tables
Route print 🡺 This command is use for showing the details of routing table on our computer.
Hostname 🡺 This command is use for to see the Name of our Computer
Whoami 🡺 This command is also be used for to saw the Name of our Computer
Sysdm.cpl 🡺 Showing the (System Properties )
Eventvwr.msc 🡺 to show the log form Event Viewer
Event Viewer
Nbtstat 🡺 Network Bios over TCP/IP
(This command is use for display the current network connections and port activity on our computer)
Taskmgr 🡺 This command is use for open the task manager
Tasklist 🡺 This command is use for showing the task list (How many process is running )
🡺 Taskkill /PID (value of PID) = Close any Running Process From Task manager
Learn More 🡺 About tasklist /?
Wf.msc 🡺 This command is use for open Windows Defender Firewall with Advanced Security.
Netsh ? 🡺 ( ✔✔ more details ✔✔)
Netsh wlan show profile name =”Wi-Fi Name” key=clear 🡺 Find out the Wi-Fi password using netsh command.
Dxdiag 🡺 This tool reports detailed information about the DirectX components and drivers installed on our system.
SystemInfo 🡺 This command is also use for showing the details about our (computer) system.
Net View 🡺 If any device connected in our computer.
Net share 🡺 which information is share in our computer
Shutdown 🡺 shutdown /s
Check the File of Hash Value
🡺 Get-FileHash H:\Setup.exe (path of File) –A Sha256 Or(which algorithms we use)
. 🡺 Certutil –HashFile H:\Setup.exe (path of file) Sha256 (Which Algorithms we use)
Now, If we check the Hash Value of this file in Online 🡺 Hash Calculator Online — String & File Hash Generator (
The Hash Values are the same , IF the hash values are not the same the file has something wrong.
Networking Command
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