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How to capture the data in any http:// website. 🔍👀

 Hello Everyone ! I'am Md. Kamul Hasan (sagor) with you . In this document, I will try to show how to capture the data in any http:// website.   🔍👀

 *** How to capturing the data in any http:// (website)***

  1. Open Wireshark for capturing the data

🡺 I Select the Wi-Fi option because my pc is connecting to the Wi-Fi network. 

We and also selected another option, if our pc is connection to another networks. 

2. Go to any http:// website such as: 

🡺 SecurityTweets - HTML5 test website for Acunetix Web Vulnerability Scanner (vulnweb.com)

Set your user’s name and password

3. Wireshark already capture the data like that,

4. Now, we click on this option and type a command 🡺 http.request.method =="POST"

5. Click on this option

6. Strange, this is our username and password. Which was put into our login option in the web site.

  • This is the whole process of data capture in Wireshark.

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